Refuge for body and mind…
The warm and cozy massage room’s sleek and straightforward décor will certainly please your eye. Its centrepiece is the massage table on which you will enjoy one or more hours of total relaxation.
Neither too big nor small, it is illuminated by filtered sun rays, lifting your spirits as it instils you with serenity.
Either select your own favourite music or listen to selections suggested by Marie-France. Enjoy soothing sounds or even silence . . .
The room is equipped with a toasty fireplace to help you relax even more in the winter.
Swedish Massage
Swedish is the most common form of massage, because it serves multiple goals and delivers a general sense of contentment. Marie-France alternates between firm and gentle as she applies oil and works on the muscles and joints in a specific order, dissolving your tension.
Swedish massage reinvigorates tired muscles, improves blood and lymphatic circulation, boosts cell nutrition and eliminates toxins. To learn more about the benefits of this kind of massage, please visit the site of the Fédération québécoise des massothérapeutes agréés (FQM).
Therapeutic Massage
Marie-France often treats clients who suffer from local pains such as back or neck aches. She employs a variety of massage techniques to dispel your muscular tension.
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Sports Massage
Sports massage is dispensed before, after and even during a sport activity or event. It serves the needs of pro and amateur athletes. Marie-France provides on-site services during sport competitions and running events.
Amma (Traditional Japanese Massage)
Only a dozen or so therapists practice this form of massage in Montreal, as it is less known. Marie-France Bourret is the only one is West Island to provide such a massage.
Amma is the ancestor of a Shiatsu massage. No oil is used. It involves manipulating specific points on the body with rhythmic pressure from the fingers, hands, stretching, rocking, percussions and energy scans.
Amma soothes and generates renewed vigour.
The energy system is an information network that helps the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems work together. An Amma massage restores the body’s energy and supports healing energy, by freeing its passage through the body’s meridians.
This touch therapy is non-aggressive, has no side effects and provides numerous benefits in terms of digestion, as well as relief from insomnia, stress, anxiety and heart palpitations.
It is designed for anyone seeing immediate well-being and its positive effects persist for two or three days, as the body absorbs these changes.
Chair Massage
Shorter chair massages are greatly appreciated at golf courses and dance symposiums. Employers can also provide them for their employees. Marie-France can provide this service at company offices or work sites.